Cancer and Stroke

Cancer/Heart and Stroke insurance

Cancer/Heart and Stroke insurance

Supplemental Plan for People with Serious Illness If you are diagnosed with a serious illness, this supplemental plan can help cover some of the expenses not covered by your primary health insurance. It is advisable to seek out the best care and treatment possible under the circumstances. There are a lot of insurance plans out there, and each one has different benefits and costs. However, most of these plans are renewable for life, regardless of your medical condition. This means that the longer you wait, the more expensive the plan will become!.

Your policy will not cover all of your costs. There will be co-payments and co-insurances to pay. Many of the services covered by these policies are very costly. A relatively small sum offers you protection from the financial implications of these costs or a prolonged period of care either in hospital or at home.

Insurance policies depends on a variety of factors, including age, savings, income and the occupation/activity involved. Every individual is different, so it is important to discuss your insurance needs with an independent adviser to find the best value plans available.